Our Executive Board, consisting of President, President-Elect, Secretary, Treasurer, Membership Chair, and Immediate Past President, work alongside our members to create several engagement opportunities featured below. Join us on a committee, follow us on social media, and participate in an upcoming event!
Our Membership Committee welcomes new ACACI members and coordinates networking opportunities. This includes reaching out to agencies, universities, etc. to speak about ACACI or table at events.
Professional Development
Our Professional Decelopment committee creates and shares community professional development trainings. This includes organizing our bi-annual conference, member-led workshops, and recorded webinars for clinicians.
Our newsletter committee gathers articles and resources to include in our quarterly membership newsletter. Resources include our book nook, podcast recommendations, blog style pieces, and many more.
Social Media
Our Social Media committee plans and organizes our ACACI social media presence including providing regular content on counseling youth.
Graduate Students
Our Graduate Student committee centralizes information for counselors in training, assists with connecting students with an internship site database, and develops mentorship opportunities for students.
Award Nominations
Each year at the Illinois Counseling Association (ICA) fall conference, we recognize our colleagues and organizations who go above and beyond to support children and adolescents. ACACI members nominate their colleagues for one of our multiple award categories. You can view past winners HERE.